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** Ethereum: how much energy will the Bitcoin network consume?

Ethereum has aroused concerns about the environmental impact of these digital resources. The Ethereum. While the estimates of the article are probably inflated,

The numbers do not lie

Ethereum: How much energy will the Bitcoin network eventually consume? [duplicate]

According to Bloomberg’s article, Bitcoin’s current energy consumption is disconcerting:

  • The entire Bitcoin network consumes about half like the great energy such as the great Hadron Collider (LHC), a powerful particle accelerator at CERN which operates for 10 minutes, 3 times and week.


The entire Bitcoin network would require about 6. This is equivalent to the annual consumption of over 1 million smartphones or 20,000 cars fed for one year.

Energy consumption of Ethereum

In the meantime, it is estimated that Ethereum’s energy consumption is about 70-80 GWh per month, which would be comparable to the annual energy consumption of about 2.5 million cars or 50 billion houses.

Network size and use models. However, it is clear that both cryptocurrencies are significant consumers of energy.

** Why is energy consumption a concern?

The growing concern for the consumption of cryptocurrency energy derives from several factors:

  • ** Environmental impact

  • feeling of investors : as a weight of investors



The enormous consumption of Energy of Bitcoin, the growing concern for the use of the use of the use of the cryptocurrency energy of using the use of the use of the use of the use of the use of the use should serve as It can choose the carbon footprint.

Cryptocurrency energy consumption, innovators are exploring new solutions such as:

* conservation of decentralized energy : development of decentralized technologies of energy accumulation


While we go on in this rapidly evolving cryptocurrency space such as Bitcoin and Ethereum,

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