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Solana with Python received

Solana is a fast and scalable blockchain platform that has gained popularity in the Defi area (decentralized finances). One of the main features of Solana is the ability to ensure access to token details via APIS, which can be used by developers to create applications, to automate trade strategies or to execute other tasks.

In this article we will examine how to get Solana with Python Spl -token -details. In particular, we focus on the following:

  • Use the Solana -API to get SPL -token -details.

  • Create a Python -API to interact with the Solana -API and to call up SPL -token -details.

Step 1: Install the required libraries

To use the Solana API in Python, you must install the following libraries:

  • Pysolana (for interaction with the Solana blockchain)

  • Requests (for the creation of HTTP requirements for the Solana -API)

You can install these libraries with PIP:


PIP install PY_Solana inquiries

Step 2: Create a Python script to interact with the Solana -API

Solana: Python API to get spl token details given token solscan address

Create a new Python file, e.g. B. SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS.PY, and add the following code:


Import OS

By pa_solana import api

Set your Solana Project Directory and your API registration information

Project_dir = "/Path/To/Your/Project" "

Api_Key = "your_api_Key"

Replace with your Solana API key

Secry_Key = "your_secret_Key"

Replace with your Solana -API secret key

DEF GET_SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS (token_address):

api = api (api_key = api_key, secry_key = secer_key)

SPL_TOKEN_INFO = api.get_token_info (


use_cache = false,

Account_address = none



token_address = "your_token_address"


Print the SPL token details

Print ("Current price:", SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS ["Current_price"])

Print ("Total Supply:", Spl_token_details ["Total_Supply"])

Print ("MINT address:", SPL_TOKEN_DETAILS ["MINT_ADDress"])

Replace your_api_key andYour_secret_KEY with your actual Solana -API registration information andyour_token_address by address of the SPL token for which you would like to receive details.

Step 3: Create a Solana -API wrapper with py_solana

To make it easier to interact with the Solana API from Python, you can create a custom wrapper for the “API” class. Here is an example:


Import OS

By pa_solana import api

Class Spltokendails:

Def __init __ (Self, Api_Key, Secry_Key):

self.api = api (api_ikey = api_key, Secry_Key = Secry_Key)

DEF GET_TOKEN_INFO (self, token_address):

return self.api.get_token_info (


use_cache = false,

Account_address = none



token_address = "your_token_address"

spl_token_details.get_token_info (token_address)

This wrapper class offers a simpler interface for interaction with the Solana API.


In this article we examined how to get Solana with Python Spl -token -details. We have shown two ways to get SPL -token -details:

  • Use the standard library `PY_Solana and an HTTP request to the Solana -API.

  • Create a custom wrapper around the “API ‘class” for better readability and maintainability.

We hope that this will help you build up a robust and efficient application on the Solana platform!

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