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Gere is an article that explains how to send RAWTRANSACTION in JSON-RPC format use the Bitcoin Core package in.Js:

Sending raw transactions in JSON-RPC format with bitcoin basic in node.js

In this article, we’ll show you to send


Before we are installed with the sound you has a Bitcoin Corpage and last its compatible version. Also, a mother you has a node a bitcoin coin on your on your computer with a valid address for RAW send.

Install the required the packages

Ethereum: How to do sendRawTransaction to bitcoind JSON-RPC using bitcoin-core package in nodejs

To use the Bitcoin Core in node in node.js, we need to install the “Bitcoin-Core” package Using NPM:


NPM Installation of Bitcoin Cores-Save

Send a RAW transaction in JSON-RPC format

The following code fragment demonstrates how to send RAWTRANSACTION 'in JSON-RPC using the Bitcoin Core package:


Const Bitcoincore = Require (“Bitcoin-Core”);

// Setting a bitcoin nuclear connction

Const Bc = new bitcoincore ({{

URL: ‘ // replace the URL of the Bitcoin Core Node


// Create a new transaction object

Const tx = {

Version: 1,

Hash: ‘You_tx_hash_here’,

From_address: ‘Your_from_address_here’,

to_address: ‘to_address_here’, // optional

Flags: “RAW” // Optional, can one of the “complete”, “Confirm” or “just sending”


// Create a new RAW Transaction object

Const Rawtx = {




// Send RAW Transition in JSON-RPC format use bitcoin coin

bc.sendrawtransaction (RAWTX, (ERR, Response) => {

if (err) {

Console.error (‘Error sending raw transactions:’, ERR);

} Else {

// Get hash transactions from the answer

Const tchash = reply.Hash;

Console.log (transaction hash: $ {txhash});




In this example, we create a new transaction wyth the desired features (very, hash, source, address and symptoms). That’s what the soame features. Finally, we send a RAW in the JSon-RPC format use the SENDRAWTRAWTRANSATION method of the bitcoin coin.


  • Properties Raw in the ObjectTx determines that we want to send a raw transaction.

  • You can take the RAW transaction by providing an additional syn’,Send-only) or by adjusting the properties of the “Transact” obje.

  • A response from the bitcoin coin core contains a “hash” field for each raw. This hash can be used as a link to verify the integrity of the transaction.

According to thee steps, you chand is a well send RAW transaction in the JSon-RPC format use

Ethereum Convert Account

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