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State management with binance.futuresminitickerstream () in Reac.js

When you build a web application that requires real -time data, using binance apis to retrieve market data and the reactive update of your user interface Becomes important. One of the usual approaches is the use of “utilization hook” from reacta to manage the status variables and update based on asynchronous operations such as api calls.

In this article, we will explore how you can use binance.futuresminitickerstream () function from binance noda.js library to create a real -time data flow in your react application.


To use binance.futuresminitickerstream () Function, you must first install the required package:


NPM Install A Knot-Line-Up

Then Initialize Binance API Client in Your React Component. Here’s An Example:


Import React, {usestate, Cose effect} From ‘React’;

Imports of Binans from ‘Node-Dinance-api’;

Const Binance = Demand (‘Node-Dinance-api’);

// Initializing Binance API Client

ASync Function Initbince () {{{{{{{{{

Const Binance = Nova Binance ({{{{

API_Key: ‘Your_binance_Api_Key’,

API_Secret: ‘Yourbinance_api_secret’


Return Binance;


Const app = () => {

// State Variables to Store Electricity Data

Const [Data, Set Data] = Usestate ([]);

Const [error, suteror] = westate (null);

// function to retrieve and update the state with new api binance data

Constchdata = async () => {

Try {

// Initializing Binance API Client with Initialization Function

Const Binance = Wait Innbince ();

// use a promise that is resolved when the flow is ready

Conststream = Wait Binance.futuresminitickerstream ({{{{{{{{{{{{{

Symbol: ‘btcusdt’,

Interval: ‘1M’


// Listen to New Data And Update the Condition

Stream.on (‘Data’, (tickers) => {

set data (marks);


} Capture (Error) {

Seterror (Error.message);



Cose effect (() => {

Fetchdata ();

}, []);

Return (

{Data.LeGth> 0 && (

current data: {json.stringify (data)}





In This Example:

  • We define the function of fetchdata, which initializes the binance api client, begins to listen to the information of obinance.futuresminitkerstream () function and updates the state of new data.

  • HookUseffectIs Used to Call A Function Reach A Reach when the component is mounted.

How does

Ethereum: How to setState in react.js using

work **

When you call the function of REACH ', Binans creates a flow of objects with real -time labels, which are then listed to for the use of method' stream.on ('data'). When a New Data is Received, The Event Handle Updates The State with New Data.

This approach Allows Your React Component to Reactively update its User Interface While Binance API Stream Fends Live Market Data.

Tips and variations

  • To Handle Mistakes Differently, You can add Additional Logic Within On ('Data') The event Handler or use a separate handling function.

  • If you need more advanced functionality, Such as caneling the current or limiting updates to certain intervals, see [binance noda.js api documentation] (

Using binance.futuresminitickerstream () Binance function and reactively updating your react component with new data, you can create a robust real -time flow system for your application.

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