by admin
Here is an article on creating a python script that listens to Bitcoin Network Transactions and Monitors Addresses stored in a MySQL Database:
Ethereum: Starting point for listening to Bitcoin Network Transactions in Python
Bitcoin, the second-large cryptocurrency by market capitalization, using a decentralized network of nodes to valid and record transactions. In this article, we will explore how to create a python script that listens to the Bitcoin Network and Monitors Addresses stored in a MySQL database.
- You have a basic understanding of python and mysql.
- You have a Bitcoin node (E.G., Bitcoin Core) installed on your machine.
- You have a mysql database created and populated with Bitcoin transaction data.
Step 1: Install Required Libraries
Before we begin, you will need to install the following libraries:
for interacting with mysql databases
PY Bitcoin-Core
for working with Bitcoin Transactions (Note: This is not a full Bitcoin Node Implementation)
You can install these libraries using pip:
Pip Install MySQL-Connector-PybitcoIncore
Step 2: Create A Python Script
Create a New Python File, E.G., Bitcoin_listener.py
, and Add the Following Code:
“ python
Import MySql.connector
import json
MySQL Database Connection Settings
Db_host = ‘localhost’
Db_user = ‘your_username’
Db_password = ‘Your_password’
Db_name = ‘bitcoin_transactions’
Bitcoin Node Connection Settings
Bitcoin_node_url = ‘
Bitcoin_node_secret = ‘Your_secret_key’
this should not be shared publicly
Def Connect_to_MySql ():
“” “Establish A MySQL Database Connection” “”
return mysql.connector.connect (
host = db_host,
User = db_user,
Password = db_password,
database = db_name
Def Get_Bitcoin_Transactions ():
“” “Retrieve Bitcoin transactions from the node” “”
Send A P2P Request to the Bitcoin Node
Response = Requests.get (bitcoin_node_url)
data = json.loads (response.text)
Extract Transaction Addresses and Amounts
transactions = []
For item in Data [‘Transactions’]:
address = item [‘from’]
Amount = item [‘value’]
transactions.Append ({
‘Address’: Address,
‘Amount’: Amount
Return transactions
Def Main ():
“” “Listen to Bitcoin Network Transactions” “”
Establish A MySQL Database Connection
db_connection = connect_to_mysql ()
Retrieve Bitcoin Transactions from the Node
transactions = get_bitcoin_transactions ()
Iterate over transactions and monitor addresses in the MySQL Database
for transaction in transactions:
Address = Transaction [‘Address’]
amount = transaction [‘amount’]
Check if the address exists in the mysql database
cursor = db_connection.cursor ()
query = “select * from bitcoin_transactions where address =%s and timestamp> =%s”
cursor.execute (query, (address, datetime.now ()))
Result = cursor.fetchone ()
If the address is found, update its amount and timestamp in the database
If Result:
new_amount = transaction [‘amount’] + 10
simulate a transaction with an increase of 10 units
query = “update bitcoin_transactions set amount =%s, timestamp = now () where address =%s”
cursor.execute (query, (new_amount, address))
Print the results to the console
Print (F “Address: {Address} | Amount: {Amount} | Timestamp: {DateTime.Now ()}”)
Close the MySQL Database Connection